Sunday Gatherings
Morning Gatherings
We meet together every Sunday for worship, teaching, prayer and a chance to catch up over a coffee afterwards. We celebrate people's diversity of gifts and contributions to worship and welcome participation in prayer, prophecy and words of encouragement.
We have talented musicians and singers who help lead with contemporary songs sprinkled with golden oldies.
We welcome the Holy Spirit to lead us in worship and consider the Bible to be God's word and our foundation for understanding truth. Our sermons are normally designed to inspire hope and aid us in the practical application of Gods' truth in our daily lives.
1 January, 2023 - 12th February, 2023 services will start at 10am, then will return to 10.30am as usual.
Communion Service
On the first Sunday of each month our morning service is given over to sharing Communion - the Lord's Supper together. This is a special part of the service where we take a small piece of bread and a tiny cup of grape juice which represents Christ’s sacrifice for us on the cross.
Everyone is welcomed to participate in this central worship event.
Evening Gatherings
Night Church
A relaxed cafe style service that includes supper. A great opportunity to gather with one another to learn and dig deeper in the word of God and ask questions.
Night service relevant to College aged youth, filled with inspired preaching, great music and hangout time. It is open to everyone.